The Intergalactic Nemesis – Target Earth: A Live-Action Graphic Novel – 1.30.15

Friday, January 30 at 8pm – Hering Auditorium

Everything cool these days seems to be coming out of Austin, Texas, and this show is the latest example. Telling an all-ages adventure story set in the 1930s, The Intergalactic Nemesis mashes up comic book and radio-play formats into a one-of-a-kind theatrical experience, a new art form, the Live-Action Graphic Novel.

Three actors voice the dozens of characters, a Foley artist creates all the sound effects, and a pianist plays a cinematic score, while more than 1,250 individual full-color hi-res comic book panels tell a hilarious sci-fi adventure story visually from an enormous movie screen. And it’s all done live in front of your eyes!

“Something you must experience if you’re a fan of awesome!” —

The Intergalactic Nemesis Website

The Intergalactic Nemesis YouTube Channel

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August 20, 2014