Fairbanks Concert Association

See it. Feel it. Share it. Our theme this season.

Why? Well, attending a performing arts event is a special experience. A one-time only connection that can never be repeated made more unique by those attending with you. It’s that contact high connecting you to those around you that comes with every performance. Its joy you’ll carry with you after the event ends. And it makes you smile.

“Sharing it” might simply be an opportunity to vote on “Who you want to see on stage with Martin Short” or who you want to see next year. It is also the opportunity to engage directly with an artist in a classroom or a workshop.

Recently, we offered a luau with our slack key artists to provide a more in-depth cultural experience. Coming up next will be a series of informal talks on Ernest Shackleton and his voyage to Antarctica, prior to our first theatre presentation, a co-pro with Theatre UAF, on that topic. We will also offer a leadership workshop and a theater workshop with them while they are here in November.

In February we’ll have a chance to jam with TorQ percussion – an “everything but the kitchen sink,” bang-on-a-can free for all.

Later this winter we’ll begin putting together our first Community Dance Team – designed to get us all up and moving as the winter months linger. We’ll create a flash mob designed for anyone (and that means you) and use it to lively up Fairbanks — and our presentation of BodyVox — come spring.

If any of these upcoming opportunities interest you keep checking back here and don’t hesitate to ask us. We want to hear from you.
See it, feel it, share it. That’s our plan.
