Saturday, Sept. 17, 2022, 7:30 p.m. — Hering Auditorium
Find six people to tell you what kind of music Neko Case sings and you’ll get 15 answers. It’s somewhere around and between indie-rock-alternative-country-folk-rock-Americana. Or just say it’s Neko and leave it at that.
Few songwriters are as fearless and inventive. You can’t come away from one of her songs without a head full of images. Still, her songs don’t tell the whole story. They don’t give a panoramic view or a chronology. Instead, she offers up a series of snapshots and leaves the audience space to inhabit the closets and cathedrals she’s built.
Case’s voice is as powerful and changeable as her songs, and when it jumps an octave, it’s almost visible, like sparks at night. “I never knew where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do with my voice,” Case says, “but I just wanted to do it so bad.”
The artist asks everyone to wear a mask inside to help keep the band healthy and on the road. Also, there is a strict prohibition on any form of recording or broadcasting during the performance, so stash your phone and other devices once the show starts. Thank you!
“Case’s gift as a songwriter has long been her ability to burrow small moments into your consciousness.” – Pitchfork
“It’s a voice at once pure and wayward, tranquil and urgent, plaintive and steely, yearning and aloof: a voice perfectly suited to circumspection and ambiguity.” – The Guardian