Sunday, November 15, 4:00 p.m. – Salisbury Theater
Letters Aloud was founded in 2013 by Paul Morgan Stetler, as a way to connect a live audience to historical figures through their intimate personal correspondence. “I’ve always been a big fan of reading letters from famous people,” said Stetler, “and recently stumbled upon some fantastic websites devoted to sharing images of rare letters. I’d find myself constantly reading these letters aloud to my wife and friends. They’re so personal—it feels like the person is speaking right to you from the past.”
It’s voyeuristic as hell, fun, and one of Letter Aloud fans put it, “it’s like literary crack.”
Co-produced with the University of Alaska Theatre and Film Department, the UAF English Department, and UAF Journalism.
We saw Letters Aloud at Arts Northwest. It is charming and compelling and we all fell in love with it. At first I thought ‘I love this but maybe it’s too small to be part of an FCA Season’ but I couldn’t stop thinking about it and it became part of a tour that’s going all over the state, including Juneau, Kodiak, Anchorage… we all found it irresistible. In addition, we wanted to follow up our successful partnership with the University from last season and Letters Aloud is the perfect fit. – FCA
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