Fairbanks Concert Association

Your support
sets the stage for our success!

Your support
sets the stage for our success!

It’s so easy to make a difference!

Join us, be our partner or volunteer to create shared joy and great opportunities for our community.

Make a Gift


The best way to contribute to FCA is with a donation to be used where it is needed most.

This could be to support operations, an emergency purchase, or to support our projects with performing artists, education, and community outreach.

When you make your gift, just choose the “unrestricted” option on the donation form.


Donating to the Education Program directs your gift to support education and outreach.

  • These activities include school performances, classroom residencies, workshops, and masterclasses with professional touring artists for K-12, university, and community members. It also includes bringing artists to the Pioneer Home, Denali Center, Boys and Girls Club, Fairbanks Youth Facility and the Fairbanks Correctional Center.

All donors are recognized in our performance programs, with an option to remain anonymous.

When asked what outreach we should focus on, your resounding answer was “serve our students!”
We honor that response!

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Connect with a community of performing arts enthusiasts through an FCA sponsorship!

FCA works with each sponsor to reach specific audiences and find the best avenues for visibility, providing a steppingstone for relationship building.

Benefits are flexible and tailored to the needs of the sponsor.

Sponsorships may include the following, depending on the level of support:

  • Ad in concert program
  • Complimentary tickets to sponsored performances or events
  • Season tickets
  • Inclusion in marketing campaigns for sponsored performances or events
  • Recognition at sponsored performances or events
  • Listing and logo linked on the FCA website
  • Invitations to select after-show receptions
  • And much more!

Sponsors work with the FCA’s staff to build a sponsorship packages that best fit their needs. Whether it be a single performance or event, a performance series, or one of our programs, FCA has plenty of sponsorship opportunities available. 

For more information, contact FCA executive director Marie Olesen at director@fairbanksconcert.org.

“Whether you’re a new sponsor or have been around for years as we have, there’s a relationship continually being built and sustained between FCA concert goers and your business — we see our guests and customers in every audience.”

Fountainhead Hotels

An attentive audience

If you’ve attended our events, you know that the audience gives a lot of attention to our professionally designed and printed programs. After the performance they are carried home as a cherished reminder of the experience.

FCA puts just as much care and professionalism into our programs as we do planning our season and presenting each performance.


  • Quarter (1/4) page ad $500
  • Half (1/2) page ad for $1,000

For more information, please contact Tori Tragis at pr@fairbanksconcert.org


Volunteers are an Essential Part of the FCA Family

Volunteers help bring every FCA performance to life. Whether you’re an extrovert or introvert,  have just an hour or two or a whole evening to spare, there are many ways community members can help.

If you’re a longtime Fairbanksan, this is a great way to see your friends!

If you’re new to Fairbanks, you’ll get to meet a lot of people in a hurry!

Offer a Gift Certificate

Gift certificates are an easy way to support FCA while gifting your friends and family with concert tickets!

Whether for a specific show or letting them pick afterwards, this offers them a unique experience: A night out without the kids, or an evening with the grandkids, a girls night out after a good meal! Why not make it a weekend escapade and stay the night in a local hotel?

Please call our office at 907-474-8081 for more information.

Corporate Gift programs that support FCA

Donate to FCA
when you apply for your
Permanent Fund Dividend!

When you make a donation from your PFD through Pick.Click.Give., you can make an impact by sharing with a cause you care about.

When you go online to apply for your dividend, you will see the Pick.Click.Give. option.
Click and follow the instructions to make your donation.

Learn more about the Pick. Click Give. program

The Fred Meyer
Community Rewards program

  • Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the Fairbanks Concert Association at Fred Meyer Community Rewards.
  • You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number #LW427.
  • Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Fairbanks Concert Association earn a donation!