Fairbanks Concert Association

We invite you to join us for the 2018 – 2019 Season.

From September to May, you’ll find tremendous diversity and some favorites you’ve requested, in a sublime and joyous season which truly builds on the big names and high quality established in our 70th season while bringing in some very exciting new ideas.

There are great opportunities to enjoy events with your whole family, as well as wonderful date nights. There is something for everyone and we invite you to explore! You’ll find information about each artist on their page. From there just hit JOIN FCA NOW! and enter your subscription.

We ask that you choose at least three events. We’ve kept our ticket prices so low that as a season ticket holder, you can save enough to add another event to your list and try something new and different.

We hope you’ll consider adding a donation to your subscription and become a member. This gets you the very best seats and some terrific perks, and helps us continue to bring great performing artists to everyone in our community.

Don’t love ordering online?Call us! We’re happy to send you an order form, help you plan, answer all your questions and take your order over the phone – 474-8081.

Renewing members and subscribers: Be sure to order by June 30 to keep your seats!

New members and subscribers: You can sign up at any time, but the sooner you sign up, the better your seats.

All members and subscribers will be seated by the FCA office. Renewing members and subscribers can choose to retain their seats or opt for new ones.

The details:

Once you’ve subscribed you can add purchases to your existing ticket package for the season at any time and get the same low prices.

If you choose an event but find you can’t attend we are happy to refund, exchange or give you a tax receipt for their return (but give them to a friend, they’ll thank you forever!)

If you’d like to take advantage of our installment plan simply call our office.

We’re very proud to be a part of the rich cultural life of Interior Alaska and to offer events with these artists to you.
Join us! Sign up for your 2018 – 2019 tickets today.