Our world changed quickly with the arrival of COVID-19. With the health and safety of patrons, artists, and staff in mind, and with mandates from officials to stop public gatherings, it soon became clear that our shows, and outreach, will not go on for the remainder of this season.
We have begun the process of postponing and canceling events, working with our partners across the state, and the artists we had scheduled to perform for the rest of this season. This process is complicated, and we appreciate your patience as we work through it all.
Eventually, with your continued support, our work will resume and the show will go on.
Your well-being is important to us
Outreach and performances through May, including Eileen Ivers, Ensemble Mik Nawooj, Meow Meow, and Fairbanks Flies with Tomáš Kubínek, will not happen as scheduled. Although we hope to reschedule performances with these artists, this may not be possible. If we can’t schedule them for 20-21, they will be 1st on the list for the 21-22 season.
The health and safety of our audiences, artists, staff, and volunteers are our priority.
We appreciate your support and investment in FCA and in our community, by purchasing tickets. Your investment is safe, and we will work with you on options during this challenging time.
What are my options?
You may call and leave a message at (907) 474-8081.
Our policy has always been very firm. Anyone who can’t attend a performance is eligible for a refund, no questions asked.
We know that some of you are facing lost wages or even lost jobs and we want to prioritize those who may be in need.
Please consider turning your tickets into a donation
The challenges facing FCA and our community during this time are enormous, but you can make a difference right now. Please turn the value of your tickets into a tax-deductible donation to the Fairbanks Concert Association. It’s an investment in our future, and to ensuring we can meet our obligations going forward and have a successful 73rd Season.
(Your donation will be an above-the-line deduction (not itemizable) on your tax return for 2020 with the new Charitable Giving Incentive)
2. Receive a refund for your ticket purchase.
3. Apply credit to next season.
Please use this form to let us know.
if we don’t hear from you by May 11th, we will automatically count your refund as a donation.
A personal note: The impulse for many of us doing this work is to nurture, to communicate, to work things out through creative expression, to bring us all together. So this feels counter-intuitive.
For every rule, there is an exception. We are fully in support of the strong actions being taken to curb the spread of the coronavirus. We urge you to follow protocols and shelter in place so we can put an end to this – and bring you a really great season next year!
The arts will help us heal, laugh and gather in community again. We are confident we will all get through this and we can’t wait to see you again!
Until then, stay safe, wash your hands, practice social distancing. We wish you all the very best during this extremely challenging time for us all.
Anne and all of us at FCA
We’d like to recognize and thank our sponsors:
The Offices of Chuck Lemke, Dr. Phyllis Pendergrast, and Dr. Hannah Summerfelt
H&R Block
and also the support we receive from Alaska Airlines, Northern Alaska Tour Company, Sophie Station Suites and Candlewood Suites.
also WESTAF Tourwest for Eileen Ivers, WESTEF IM Tour for Ensemble Mik Nawooj and NEA for Fairbanks Flies.
Running Reindeer Ranch and TOTE support through program ads
These are local people, using their local businesses to support the local community. They don’t have to, but we are incredibly grateful that they chose to. Please help us by thanking them.
FCA office is closed. We are sheltering at, and working from home. Please do call us: 474-8081. We pick up messages regularly. You can email us at info@fairbanksconcert.org
We have a fantastic season lined up for next year. We appreciate your sheltering in place now so we can bring you a wonderful season come September!